10 Things I Would Rather Be Doing Than Cleaning The House Apartment
10. Pay bills
9. Pin new cleaning products on Pinterest
8. Watch Cars 2
7. Rewrite The Boy's IEP goals
6. Call my insurance company to follow up on a claim
5. Fold laundry (while sitting on sofa watching TV)
4. Watch HGTV (even though I don't have a home or a garden)
3. Drinking a glass of wine, while eating some fabulous cheese while watching any Twilight movie.
2. Work on my Jedi mind tricks (so that The Husband will clean)
1. Excercise (or at least putting on my workout clothes and psyche myself into excericing but will most likely default to 5, 4 or 3.)
What would YOU rather do than clean?
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AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.