Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The White Rabbit

I'm late. I'm late. For a very important date.  No time to say Hello. Goodbye.  I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.  -- 
The White Rabbit

I feel this is how I must look to the outside world: hands on head, brows furrowed, eyes closed in concentration, constantly checking the time and frantically running.  There is always a meeting to prepare for, an IEP or an IFSP to review, a therapist to call, a therapist to see, a bus to wait for, a question to ask, an appointment to schedule, a new therapy to research.  

And now, as Norrin is about to turn 5, I am in the midst of researching and touring schools, reviewing the NYS special education law and regulations, and preparing my case against the Committee of Special Education. 

There is still the supermarket to get to, the bills to pay, the laundry to wash, fold and put away, the apartment to clean and wait - did I lock the front door?  And while at work there's the document to revise, the daunting stack of papers to file, the conference call to schedule, the meeting to plan, the expense report to calculate, the bosses to appease.  And it's Tuesday night, my school night.  Did I read the handouts, bring my notebook, or complete my short story for submission?

There is dinner to make, dishes to wash, the boy to bathe, the bedtime story to read, all before its time to tuck the boy into bed and kiss him good night.  And then there's my husband. And all we want is at least 5 minutes at the end of our day where we can just be the people we were before we became parents.  Some days are more successful than others.   

I feel like I'm late for most things, as if there is always a countdown to something.  Like there is something terribly important I can't remember. Like there really is no time to say hello or goodbye.  I'm always trying to catch my breath, constantly scrolling down my mental to do list.        


  1. I feel the same way... There is always something that needs to be done. The list never seems to get smaller. As time go by and Kindergarten is fast approaching, the demand is stronger. Open houses, OT, CPSE, ST, SI, EI, EIDO, PT, AMO. The list goes on and on ... It makes your head spin. The day to day stuff is not even included. I keep telling myself to look forward and the light at the end the tunnel will no longer look like a small dot but like the sun soon.

  2. You're such a good writer Lisa. Now, what in the world are you doing writing this blog? You have a meeting to get to. I look forward to your new entries. Don't forget to wash your super cape in the next laundry load.

  3. I think you are ready for a vacation, love! Anything - a one-day trip to the spa, an overnight trip somewhere close, even just a day of manicures, stopping for hot chocolate and perusing Macy's...It's amazing how much transformative power taking one day for yourself has. It's a cure-all to restore your spirit.

  4. Girl you partially summed up my life 2!! Although, I know your daily life is a bit more filled up than mine, but all I can say is I do have empathy for you!! This makes you all the more empowering as a woman and makes you a fantastic mom & wife!! Keep Bloggin'!! :)

  5. Agreeing with Jessie! You have to remember you and recharge, sugah...superwoman or not.

  6. You are superwoman - you can do it all. Just remember to walk thru the park, breathe and take a few seconds for yourself. :) You are marvelous. You keep us all engaged and wanting more. love you.


AutismWonderland - written by Lisa Quinones-Fontanez - is a personal blog chronicling a NYC family's journey with autism, while also sharing local resources for children/families with special needs.